Green Steel featured among global industry leaders
We’re proud to be featured among global leaders taking action to decarbonise steel production in a recent article by the World Economic Forum:
The International Energy Agency says that steel produces 7% of the world’s GHG emissions – 3.5 billion tonnes annually – mostly from iron, the main input to steelmaking (70% of steel production).
The other 30% of global steel production comes from electric arc furnaces that use scrap steel as an input.
As steel demand rises by up to 30% by 2050, according to the Mission Possible Partnership, the industry must continue to produce primary steel as recycling scrap steel alone cannot fulfil this demand.
Our three-stage plan to forge Western Australia’s steel manufacturing legacy starts with a green steel recycling mill using renewable energy in the South West of WA, with plans to build a green hydrogen-powered facility to produce green steel from iron ore in the Mid-West of WA.
We thank the World Economic Forum and Greenhouse for your support as we work towards making Australia’s first new steel mill in over 30 years a reality.